The World of Renewable Energy

  • LUTEC - Lutec Electricity Amplifier; this technology can provide electricity in a manner more highly efficient, environmentally clean and cost effective than any other currently known.
  • Evergreen Electricity Amplifier  - (German) In diesem kurzen Video wird der Magnetgenerator gezeigt, der 1,25 Kilowatt Ausgangsenergie bringt. Ich denke, dass würde reichen um das eigene Haus autark mit Energie zu versorgen.
  • Global footprint network - a 501c (3) nonprofit organization, was established to enable a sustainable future where all people have the opportunity to live satisfying lives within the means of one planet.
  • NEXworld.TV - (german) Der Verfahrenstechniker Schadach erörtert in diesem Interview mit Marcus Stanton die Möglichkeiten der dezentralen Stromversorgung, dabei gehen die Gesprächspartner auf die Eigenheiten und Möglichkeiten der verschiedenen Techniken ein. Es wird das Pyrolyse-und Thermolyse-Verfahren besprochen, aber auch exotische und zukunftsweisende Ansätze, wie die Niedertemperaturplasmaphysik als Basis für Energiegewinnung, werden zum Thema gemacht.
  • Clean Technika - Philippines Makes 100% Renewable Electricity In 10 Years Plan
  • STV news - Scotland is ahead of schedule in meeting targets for community ownership of renewable energy projects
  • The 4th Revolution - Energy Autonomy: This painstakingly produced documentary film calls for an energy shift away from fossil and nuclear fuels to renewables. The captivating vision is for a global community whose energy supply is 100 percent provided by renewable sources – available for everyone, affordable and clean. A global restructuring can begin, resetting the balance of power and more fairly distributing capital. As it journeys around the world, the film observes the life and work of ten individuals who are united by one goal: Energy Autonomy.


  • The World Sustainable Energy Days - Since more than 20 years, experts and decision makers from all over the world flock to Upper Austria to attend the events - in 2013, more than 800 decision makers from 61 countries participated in the conference!
  • The Green Center - supports projects that demonstrate ecologically derived forms of energy, agriculture, aquaculture, housing, and landscapes, and living in harmony with nature.
  • ECOBLE - 8 Completely Awesome DIY Home Energy Projects
  • NOMADHOME - Thinking about the future energy resources, we are especially convinced that the best solution ecologically is electricity for the heating and cooling of the NOMADHOME in order to remain independent of fuels such as oil, gas, pellets, etc. Also electricity is available without complications, nearly everywhere and through ones own production. With Nomadhome we offer our customers a simple, uncomplicated and solid project which won’t incur extra costs and work for decades.